Free Rest Is Not Lazy Coloring Page

Rest is not Lazy

rest is not lazy free printable coloring page stevie doodles.jpg

I woke up at 3am in a panic. Just a little anxiety knocking, waking me up with waves of fast pumping adrenaline.

A couple of hours later, I was able to fall asleep again and a few hours after that I was still in bed - awake, but exhausted.

(If this sort of thing doesn't happen to you, know that it is exhausting. It will leave you wiped, like you ran ten miles instead of just laying there staring at the ceiling.)

Do you know what my first thought was, laying there in bed somewhere between 8 and 9am?

If someone saw me like this, at this time, they’d think I was lazy.

Before I could stop it, a ripple of shame ran through me about being in bed.

Even after years of beating truth into my mind and soul, these thoughts still come at me.

Even though I KNOW rest is good, I still fight guilt and shame over times where I am “not productive.”

Even though rest after a panic experience isn’t just good but VITAL, I still fight guilt and shame about taking that time to heal and rest.

Rest is not lazy, friends. It is necessary, it is vital, it is something to celebrate, something to schedule, something to encourage.

Rest. Is. Not. Lazy. - Stevie Swift

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Some awesome quotes about rest

Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting, period. Never do anything else. - Martha Beck

It's very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems. - Thich Nhat Hanh

We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal. - Thich Nhat Hanh

I get a lot of the ideas when I'm resting - either when I'm meditating or getting some kind of work done on my back, like physical therapy or acupuncture. That's where I get my best ideas, maybe because I'm balancing my body. - Katy Perry


Free CHOICE Coloring Page


This choice coloring page is completely free to print and color.

Free choice coloring page from Stevie Doodles + search more than 1000 more free sheets!

I have friends who can’t imagine going somewhere where there are no blow dryers. Camping? Nope. Long trips with minimal baggage? Nope.

Me? Let’s just say I don’t own a blow dryer.

I’ll take the adventure.

But here’s the thing -

One is not wrong. One is not better.

The important part is having the choice

Sometimes fighting against culture norms can turn into believing the norm was bad.

Pressure to do a thing we don’t want to do sometimes turns us against the thing itself instead of turning us against the pressure.

I don’t like the pressure to make my hair a certain way (related - this is why I’m usually wearing a hat ;) ), but that doesn’t mean awesome hair is bad.

It doesn’t mean blow dryers are bad. It doesn’t mean wanting your hair to look nice is bad.

It means the pressure on me to care about those things, when I didn’t want to, was bad.

Choice is the thing that matters.

Right now I choose no blow dryer. Next year, maybe I’ll have awesome hair and a blow dryer with eight attachments.

No pressure ;)

- Stevie


A few awesome quotes about choice

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

-William Jennings Bryan

The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.

-Chris Pine

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.

- Charles Stanley

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.

- Jim Elliot

Don't look too far into the future, just look at tomorrow. One day at a time. Can you win tomorrow? Can you make progress? The answer is yes, you have a choice and tomorrow you're going to win.

- Joe Wicks


Free Live Simply Coloring Pages

Free Page

“Don’t live simply, but do simply live.”

This post has 2 free printable live simply coloring pages. One page has the quote with a drawing to color - thin books sandwiched between two cacti.

The second page has four different cards - I like to make these for you sometimes because I think they are fun little guys to color, cut out, then send to friends or add to a gift.

Both of these pages about living simply are free for you to print today. If you would like to find more quotes about simple living and minimalism, you can find them here on my page - I’ll include some at the bottom of this post.

You can browse 1000’s of free coloring pages by category at my home page here

Find more of my simple and easy adult coloring pages in my adult section

Don’t simply live, but do live simply. A free page from Stevie Doodles

Don’t simply live, but do live simply. A free page from Stevie Doodles

My pages pair well with audiobooks! These ones related to living a simple life might be perfect.

Use the button below to print your page!


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More free pages related to living simply