Quotes By Homer

Homer Quote Coloring Pages

A collection of coloring pages with quotes from Homer. Any time I add a new coloring page with a quote from Homer, I’ll add those pages right here.

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There is a time for many words, but there is also a time for sleep. - Homer

CLICK HERE to print and color the page from the image above

Print & color all of my sleep coloring pages


Even a fool learns something when it hits him

CLICK HERE to print and color the Homer quote coloring page above


For a friend with an understanding heart . . .

CLICK HERE to print and color the Homer quote coloring page above

see all of my free friends coloring pages


If you serve too many masters, you’ll soon suffer

CLICK HERE to print and color the Homer quote coloring page above


There is a time for many words . . .

CLICK HERE to print and color the Homer quote coloring page above


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